Thursday, October 03, 2013

In the Future When I'm Gone

In the future when I'm gone
Which is a lousy proposition
Based upon a half-baked circular
System devised by a second-rate
Creator who couldn't figure out any
Better way to end the story
Except by bumping off every character
And then discovering that the audience
Was gone despite a pitch for
The Heavenly Gate which plays like a
Pointlessly over produced “sequel” that
Leaves us stuck with every one we ever knew
(Some of whom I could easily do

So in the future, if I'm gone
Which is open to debate
Because I have some definite objections
To any ideas that were never vetted
By my lawyer and even if he were
Sober enough to deliver an opinion
I already know which way I lean in
My decision and all in all would rather
Be in Philadelphia as long as it isn't
That Sixth Sense kind of deal
And a steak 'n cheese is in the mix
With a good slather of onions
And fries on the side
And even then I am not going
Since it doesn't suit
My taste.

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