Friday, September 27, 2019

The Straight Wind

Black clouds
erased the sky
as the straight wind
blew like
a rumble
from the west
and the poles
fell and power
with lines
like snakes
in a pit
and days went
like an end-time
and silence
for many nights
till power returned
and the trees
were lit
like small candles
burning bright,
crackles through
the night.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Writing is like weaving,
woven words like strings.
A dense tapestry of meaning,
immensely rich and strange.

Sunday, June 02, 2019

Disquiet Fills the Void

We need a new metaphor.
We desire a new dream.
Something more
than the dark primeval forest
Something more
than the vast deep sea.
We have become the Other
and the Other has left the room.
Like Moby quick descending,
never to be seen again.

A barren land burnt golden
beneath the Dialectic's gaze.
We’re running looser than
a free wheeling tire on a
long stretch of Texas road,
rolling wild and lazy like
a meandering tumbleweed
across flat plains.

We need a new dream.
Something to wake us
from our sleep.
The slumbering giant
tosses and turns.
Disquiet fills the void.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Blood Moon 2019

Blood moon
on a moonless night
like noon at twilight,
hot as ice.
The contradictions abound
with riotous sounds
for up is down.
Quiet screams
of frosty passion
rings deafly
to my ears.