All of life is a vast conspiracy,
from birth to death,
liked a rigged spin
on a roulette wheel
where nothing ever lands
on black
and no deed or debt
is ever done.
Instead of following the traditional path of a chap book, I am using this blog as an evolving form for poems both old and new (e.g. the title piece is yet to be written). I do not see myself as a poet, but I enjoy writing these pieces and hope that some people might enjoy reading them.. It is really as simple as that.
All of life is a vast conspiracy,
from birth to death,
liked a rigged spin
on a roulette wheel
where nothing ever lands
on black
and no deed or debt
is ever done.
Your brain is broke
like a wounded birdYour brain is broke
from that TV showYour brain is broke
from reason's slumber